Karaoke App

iOS application allows patrons to create and participate in ad hoc karaoke competitions.

Project Stats

  • Type Contest Entrant
  • Platform iOS
  • Status Concept

Project Roles

  • UI Designer
  • 🌟 Star Performer

Project Goal

My team had to plan and design an app which met specified contest theme criteria in three hours. The contest theme was “Let’s Do It Again” so we decided to submit an app for karaoke duets. The target audience could be the contest judges (this was for a contest) or the imaginary users.

Target Audience

The audience for the karaoke compeition app, called “Let’s Duet Again” are bar patrons who want to compete as teams of two against other patrons. Oh, it’s not uncommon for these users to experience temporary challenges, such as decreased cognitive capacities. (I’ll let you guess why.)

Persona card for Karina, representing younger karaoke competitors who use the karaoke competition app. Persona card for Blake, representing older karaoke competitors who use the karaoke competition app.

Research & Key Challenges

No research was done for this app. We had three hours to concept an app, design it, and present it. Given our time constraints, we used Lean UX and Genius Design while keeping user-centric principles in mind — the users would be cognitively burdened.

The app doesn’t require logins or accounts. It will use local device wifi and bluetooth connection to communicate with other users.

Initial Design Concepts & Wireframes

Hand sketches were created after ad hoc audience interviews. Wireframes were skipped due to the contest time limit.

Hand sketches for home screen, team name submission screen, and music genre selection screen. Hand sketches for song selection and winner screen. The sketch for audience voting has been crossed out.

Usability Testing

Ad hoc interviews with audience members were carried out to determine potential problems users might encounter in a real life situation.

The app wouldn’t require logins or accounts as it uses the bar’s wifi connection to communicate with other users of the same app on the local network. The app’s “disposable” nature would preclude the need to create logins or save user information. (This results in an easier experience for patrons with less than their full cognitive capacity. Most of us can’t even remember our passwords when we’re not challenged.) The app works in conjunction to synchronize all aspects of the competition such as voting, queueing entrants, and loading songs in a local, ad hoc network.

Potential usability problems brainstormed with audience members. Action directives we derived from brainstorming with audience members.


The team designing this app, “The Pun-o-matics,” of which I was a part with Michael Alford, won 1st Place People’s Choice and 2nd Place Professionals’ Choice awards. The app isn’t actually built but I’d love to collaborate with interested parties in actually building it. It was conceived and designed at Adobe Creative Jam, New Orleans.

Karaoke competition app Adobe Creative Jam awards, won by Michael Alford and isral Duke.